Pat Dorsey kjøpte ~6% av en nettbasert markedsplass!

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4. kvartal 2021 kjøpte Dorsey Asset Management Poshmark, Inc. Det er en markedsplass der brukere i USA, Canada og Australia kan kjøpe og selge nye og brukte klær, sko og tilbehør. La oss grave ned i Poshmark, Inc og investering til Pat Dorsey.

  • Noteringsdato: 14.1.2021
  • Ticker: POSH
  • Markedsplass: NASDAQ
  • Markedsverdi: ~$892 millioner (smallcap)
  • Hovedkontor: Redwood City, USA

Om Dorsey Asset Management

Dorsey Asset Management er forvaltet av Pat Dorsey. Han er kjent for å være en ledende ekspert innen konkurransefortrinn blant selskaper.

De skriver på nettsiden, “We manage a single long-only equity strategy, concentrating our clients’ capital in 10-15 competitively advantaged businesses with the potential to compound shareholder value at above-average rates.”

Dorsey Asset Management ser etter tre ting:

  • Sterkt konkurransefortrinn
  • Store reinvesteringsmuligheter for selskapet
  • Overlegen kapitalallokering

Porteføljen er konsentrert. På slutten av 2021 besto den av 10 selskaper.

Wix.Com Ltd19,99%
Smartsheet Inc18.54%
Meta Platforms Inc16.59%
PayPal Holdings Inc9.19%
Walt Disney Co9.06%
eBay Inc6.79%
Alphabet Inc6.18%
Poshmark Inc4.80%
SEMrush Holdings Inc4.65%
Upwork Inc4.21%
Data fra

Om Poshmark, Inc

Poshmark, Inc er en markedsplass der brukere i USA, Canada og Australia kan kjøpe og selge nye og brukte klær, sko og tilbehør.

I årsrapporten for 2021 skriver Poshmark følgende om forretningsmodellen sin.

Du kan lese mye mer om forretningsmodellen i årsrapporten. Åpne årsrapporten i ny fane.

The Poshmark Solution
Poshmark makes buying and selling simple, social, and sustainable.

Benefits to Buyers
Social and fun. Our shopping experience flourishes because of authentic human connection. We enable our buyers to grow their personal networks on our marketplace, driving positive social feedback, long-term engagement, and repeat purchases. Our community builds relationships through a variety of social actions and encourages sellers to style and promote each other’s items. Through Likes, Posh Parties, conversations, styling “Bundles,” and negotiations, we have brought the benefits of the real-world shopping experience online.

Simple and personalized. Our marketplace makes shopping and buying easy and accessible. Users can access our marketplace on numerous devices, with a simple payment and shipping process and a consistent buying experience across the platform. Buyers can benefit from personalized experiences with sellers who understand their individual style, sizing, and fit. Our sellers offer a vast assortment of items and we offer the data-driven ability to sift through all of it and personalize the experience for each user. Sellers often send personal, handwritten notes to buyers along with their item, while buyers often write digital “love notes,” commenting on the purchase or seller experience.

Value shopping with breadth and depth. Our marketplace allows buyers to optimize the best value for them. Sellers offer a vast assortment of secondhand and new items at value price points enabling shoppers to easily find and purchase any style, including everyday items as well as hard-to-find items. The average order value on our marketplace in 2021 was $40, up from $35 in 2020.

Win-win for environment and enduring style. Shopping on our marketplace allows members of our community to support their commitment to environmental sustainability across multiple products and brands that fit their personal style. We believe this trend will grow, in particular as the next generation of consumers age and have growing disposable income.

Benefits to Sellers
Easy and simple to rotate a closet or build and grow a business. End-to-end tools make selling a superpower through robust listing, fulfillment, and customer support capabilities. Underpinned by our proprietary technology, our millions of sellers can easily list their inventory in real time and connect with buyers. We offer an integrated stack for running a full-scale online shop from a mobile phone, supported by end-to-end marketplace tools for order fulfillment. The simplicity of this selling experience makes it possible for anyone to engage with buyers and sell on our marketplace, whether it is individuals cleaning out their closets, professional sellers building their own brands, local boutiques expanding online, merchants engaging other merchants, or brands and retailers building their online social store presence.

Ability to build a personal brand and loyal customers. Sellers use their personal passion to feature content, select and style inventory, and engage in social interactions to monetize their listings and drive the growth of their businesses. Sellers can create a personal brand and ongoing relationships with buyers on our marketplace, and this social feedback helps keep sellers engaged. This is a powerful feature of our marketplace and has enabled entrepreneurial sellers to launch their businesses and build their own brands quickly and cost effectively, while empowering brands and retailers to deepen their interaction and engagement with our loyal customer bas

Built-in demand based on community scale and engagement. As our business has grown, we have invested in new technology and capabilities to allow our sellers to reach and engage with more users and buyers. We market and enable sellers to market their items through social tools so that sellers do not need to spend money on marketing to drive traffic to their listings.

Transparent business model and pricing. Our business model is simple. We make money when our sellers make money on our marketplace. We charge a transparent fee based on the final sale price of an item: 20% of the final price for sales $15 and over, or a flat rate of $2.95 for sales under $15. There are no other fees that the seller pays to sell on our marketplace.

Regnskapsinformasjon fra Poshmark

Poshmark var ikke lønnsomme i 2021, men inntektene vokser i raskt. For noen år tilbake hentet de ny aksjekapital, som har satt de i en bedre finansiell situasjon (ref. stolpediagram nr. 2).

Nettsiden bruker informasjonskapsler for å samle data og øke brukervennligheten.  Les mer